Journal Publications:
- Xu, J., E.H. Merrill, M. A. Lewis. 2020. Spreading speed of chronic wasting disease across deer groups with overlapping home ranges. Journal of Theoretical Biology 547:111135
- Cullingham C.I., E.H. Merrill, M. Pybus, T.K. Bollinger, G.D. Wilson, D.W. Coltman. 2011. Broad and fine-scale genetic analysis of white-tailed deer populations: estimating the relative risk of chronic wasting disease spread. Evolutionary Applications 4:116-131.
- Cullingham, C.I., S.M. Nakada, E.H. Merrill, T.K. Bollinger, M.J. Pybus, and D.W. Coltman. 2011. Multiscale population genetic analysis of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus hemionus) in western Canada sheds new light on the spread of chronic wasting disease. Canadian Journal Zoology 89: 134–147.
- Habib, T.J., E.H. Merrill, M.J. Pybus, and D.W. Coltman. 2011. Modelling landscape effects on density-contact rate relationships of deer in eastern Alberta: implications for chronic wasting disease. Ecological Modeling 222:2722-2732.
- Habib, T.J., D.A. Moore, and E.H. Merrill. 2012. Detection and stratification approaches for aerial surveys of deer in prairie parklands. Wildlife Research 39:593-602.
- Nobert, B., E.H. Merrill, M. Pybus, T. Bollinger, and Y.T. Hwang. 2016. Landscape connectivity predicts chronic wasting disease risk in Canada. Journal of Applied Ecology 53: 1450-1459.
- Potapov, A., E. Merrill, M. Pybus, D. Coltman, and M. Lewis. 2012. Chronic wasting disease: possible transmission mechanisms in deer. Ecological Modelling 250: 244-257.
- Potapov, A., E.H. Merrill, M. Pybus, and M.A. Lewis. 2016. Chronic Wasting Disease: Transmission mechanisms and the possibility of harvest management. PLOS ONE 11: e0151039
- Potapov, A., E.H. Merrill, and M.A. Lewis. 2012. Wildlife disease elimination and density dependence. Proceedings Royal Society. B. 279: 3139-3145.
- Potapov, A., E.H. Merrill, M. Pybus, and M.A. Lewis. 2015. Empirical estimation of r-0 for unknown transmission functions: the case of chronic wasting disease in Alberta. PLOS ONE 10, e0140024
- Rees, E.E., E.H. Merrill, T.K. Bollinger, Y.T. Hwang, M. Pybus, and D. Coltman. 2012. Targeting the detection of chronic wasting disease using the hunter harvest during early phases of an outbreak in Saskatchewan, Canada. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 104:149-159.
- Wilson, G.A., S.M. Nakada, T.K. Bollinger, M.J. Pybus, E.H. Merrill, and D.W. Coltman. 2009. Polymorphisms at the PRNP gene influence susceptibility to chronic wasting disease in two species of deer (Odocoileus spp.) in western Canada. Journal Toxicology and Environmental Health 72:1025-1029.